Now these are noodles ๐Ÿœ

I admit it, I was a jar sauce guy for many years. My mom makes fantastic spaghetti sauce, but it takes all day. Growing up, spaghetti was a food that took all day to cook. So as a working man, I bought jars of sauce for my spaghetti most of the time. It was serviceable enough, brown hamburger, drain, add sauce, heat, cook pasta, drain and presto! Spaghetti. But a year or so ago, I started working on making my own โ€œfastโ€ sauce. Between opening a jar of unknown ingredients and the family all-day recipe. Now I almost never buy jar sauce! Itโ€™s to easy to make it myself. So hereโ€™s my basic spaghetti sauce (I also use it for lasagna). Feel free to alter it in any way! And donโ€™t think Iโ€™m looking down on you! Iโ€™m a dad. I know what itโ€™s like to get off work, pick the kids up from soccer and you have to get food in everybodyโ€™s belly and homework and baths done! Nobody faults you for grabbing a jar of sauce, a box of spaghetti and a pack of hamburger on the way home! But if you are still opening that jar of Prego because you think itโ€™s your only option, give this a try, you might be surprised!



Spaghetti sauce


2 lbs ground beef (turkey, Italian sausage, etc.)

2 28oz cans crushed tomatoes (for a thinner sauce, use tomato sauce, for chunky sauce, use diced or stewed tomatoes)

1 10 oz can tomato paste + 2 cans of water

2 tbsp flour

2 tbsp olive oil

1 large onion diced

1 bell pepper diced

1-2 tbsp chopped garlic

1 tbsp Italian seasoning

1-2 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp crushed red pepper

1 tsp hot sauce

Salt and pepper to taste.


Brown your hamburger with your peppers and onions. Drain. Add olive oil and garlic. Cook 1-2 minutes. Add the flour and cook 1 minute. Add the tomato paste and 2 cans of water and the tomatoes. Finish with the seasonings, sugar and sauces. At this point, you can eat it as soon as itโ€™s heated through, but it tastes better if it simmers an hour or more.


There you go. Nothing too complicated, but itโ€™s delicious and you know everything that goes into it. And you can alter it to match your tastes!

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