Creamy Coconut Pudding


1 can (400 ml) coconut milk


1 cup whole milk (or any milk of your choice)


1/3 cup sugar


1/4 cup cornstarch


1 teaspoon vanilla extract


A pinch of salt


Toasted coconut flakes (optional, for garnish)





Mix Ingredients: In a medium saucepan, whisk together the coconut milk, whole milk, sugar, cornstarch, and a pinch of salt until the cornstarch is completely dissolved.


Cook: Place the saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and comes to a boil. This will take about 5-7 minutes. Once it starts to boil, cook for an additional 1-2 minutes while continuing to stir.


Add Vanilla: Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.


Cool: Pour the pudding into individual serving dishes or a large bowl. Allow it to cool to room temperature, then cover with plastic wrap (make sure the wrap touches the surface of the pudding to prevent a skin from forming) and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until completely chilled.


Serve: Once chilled, serve the pudding topped with toasted coconut flakes if desired.



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